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Bufete Neila is an office ofBarcelona Lawyers with service for all of Spain, specialized in administrative law, immigration, Spanish nationality and other matters with more than 10 years of experience in the legal sector.  You can contact our Barcelona law firm using the form that you will find below.

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12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

12/19/2022: Accelerate Nationality with the contentious appeal 2023: In this publication we explain the current status of nationality files and the response times for Spanish nationality with the contentious appeal with real examples of the latest nationality granting resolutions processed by our law firm._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ know more details here.

19/12/2022: Acelerar la Nacionalidad con el recurso contencioso 2023: En esta publicación les explicamos el estado actual de los expedientes de nacionalidad y los plazos de respuesta de la nacionalidad española con el recurso contencioso con ejemplos reales de las últimas resoluciones de concesión de nacionalidad tramitadas por nuestro despacho de abogados.  conoce más detalles aquí.

10/17/2022: How long does it take to obtain Spanish nationality at the moment: We show you the last three grants of nationality in just 1 year. Find out the details of the electronic submission process of the nationality application and the summary of each resolved file  know more details here.

10/15/2022: After a denial of the application for arraigo, in the new application it is no longer necessary to provide an updated criminal certificate: One of the most outstanding issues that I have found in the published instructions has been the fact that it is not necessary to present an updated criminal certificate in case of having to apply for a second time for a residence permit due to arraigo when the application is denied or rejected. know more details here.

09/30/2022: Permanent residence card of family member of EU citizen in 12 months: In just 12 days they have granted permanent residence to our client. Find out the details and aspects of how to calculate the response times to obtain a response to a foreign application know more details here.

08/24/2022: Rooting for in-depth training and which courses to choose for rooting: We explain the requirements to obtain the arraigo for training and we also explain the courses available for the arraigo for training know more details here.

08/19/2022: New Family Roots after the reform of the immigration regulation: What is family ties? What are the new assumptions to apply for family roots? Requirements to process the new family arraigo, term of duration, procedure to request family arraigo know more details here.

08/04/2022: Current deadline to obtain a response to the nationality file:In the middle of the month of August, nationality files continue to be resolved, and this time to our surprise, we have received, so far this month, 3 resolutions granting nationality, two of them obtained in less than a year.._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

08/01/2022: Lawyer expert in refusals of entry at Airports Tips:As an expert lawyer in immigration and refusals of entry at airport border posts, I wanted to present some advice that you can consider before traveling to Spain as a tourist, since not planning your trip well can cause you serious problems._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

06/16/2022: If the domestic partnership is extinguished, can I claim a pension?:Many people come to our law firm to help them with the procedures to formalize a common-law relationship and they regularly ask us about the obligations involved in a common-law union with another person and whether or not it has the same legal implications as getting married.. _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

05/17/2022: Current situation of nationality files 2022:In this publication we respond to the following: How long does it take to resolve the nationality file? How long does the nationality file take to qualify? How long does the file take if I file the contentious claim?  know more details here.

04/20/2022: He submitted the application for nationality in 2021 and it has already been granted thanks to the contentious nationality appeal:If you want to know in detail the last case that we have solved in less than 2 months, you can continue reading this publication.  know more details here.

03/31/2022: Spanish Nationality granted with the Contentious Appeal in 2 months:If you want to know in detail the last case that we have solved in less than 2 months, you can continue reading this publication.  know more details here.

02/22/2022: Change the non-profit residence to residence and work:If the foreign citizen already has a non-profit residence permit and has been residing in Spain for a year, they can choose to modify their non-profit residence permit to a residence and work permit. know more details here.

01/31/2022: Is it worth it to file a Contentious Appeal to accelerate Nationality? :We explain 5 tips that most nationality lawyers will not tell you in order to decide whether or not to file the contentious appeal to speed up the nationality file. know more details here.

01/24/2022: Response deadlines at the Barcelona Immigration Office:In this article we inform you of the response times of the immigration offices of Barcelona regarding files that have been presented by our law firm specialized in immigration know more details here.

01/04/2022: Which relatives can I regroup if I have been granted Spanish nationality?:One of the advantages of obtaining Spanish nationality is being able to regroup family members through the community residence card that allows regrouping children under 21, spouse, common-law partner, ascendants and extended family. know more details here.

01/03/2022: New Spanish Nationality Rate 2022:If you are thinking of applying for Spanish nationality by residence, you should read this article carefully, because from January 1, 2022, the amount of the Spanish nationality fee has increased. What is the amount of the new Spanish nationality fee for 2022? In this article we explain it to you. know more details here.

12/30/2021: The last nationalities granted this year 2021 that ends:We are in the last week of 2021 and as every year, we make a small balance in relation to the Spanish nationality files. know more details here.

12/16/2021: Contentious Appeal, example of nationality file resolved in 3 months:In this article we inform you of the current situation of the nationality files and the contentious appeal to speed up the nationality, with an example of success know more details here.

12/06/2021: Form to apply for Spanish nationality:In this article we attach the form to request Spanish nationality by residence in pdf format. Now, be very careful, don't be confused, today theProcessing of presenting the application for Spanish nationality, is done electronically and we advise you to be advised by a lawyer specialized in the nationality process know more details here.

11/16/2021: Massive concession of nationalities with the Shock Plan 2021?:A few days after the end of the nationality shock plan, we can already draw a first positive conclusion and that is that, thanks to the measures implemented by the Ministry of Justice, thousands of people have benefited from this plan, obtaining en masse their Spanish nationality.. know more details here.

10/18/2021: How is the decision to grant nationality when you obtain a court ruling?:In most contentious nationality appeals, the Ministry of Justice ends up granting Spanish nationality within an average period of 3 to 6 months, so it is normal for the judicial procedure initiated to expedite the nationality file to be resolved with a resolution granting normal nationality and thus, the Administration avoids having to pay legal costs that amount to 1,500 euros. know more details here.

09/23/2021: 4 Nationalities by residence Granted:Below we show you information regarding the latest nationalities by residence granted so that you can have a minimum forecast of how long your future nationality files could last or those that already have them in process know more details here.

09/20/2021: How long does it take to resolve the community card file?:Find out the current response times of the Immigration Offices and possible alternatives to avoid delays in your file or try to expedite your file at the immigration office. know more details here.

08/31/2021: Application for Spanish Nationality for children under 14 years of age without a prior Auto:Next Friday, September 3, 2021, the modification of the Civil Code will enter into force, which allows applications for Spanish nationality for children under 14 years of age to be made directly and electronically, without the prior Order of the Civil Registry._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

08/23/2021: Granting of Spanish nationality in 6 months with the contentious appeal:Khaoutar, presented the application for Spanish nationality on her own in 2017. In 2021, she contacted our law firm to accelerate her nationality and today she is Spanish know more details here.

07/27/2021: Spanish Nationality by Residence:We present a complete guide to apply for Spanish nationality, resolving issues such as: minimum residence period to apply for nationality, necessary documentation for nationality, Instituto Cervantes exams, speeding up the nationality file, how long does it take to resolve nationality_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

07/22/2021: First resolution of Labor Arraigo after the Ruling of the Supreme Court in Catalonia:Román had a residence card that expired and he could not renew it, leaving him in an irregular situation. After the Supreme Court ruling, and given that Román worked for more than 6 months in Spain, we submitted the request for Arraigo laboral know more details here.

06/17/2021: Withdraw from a nationality file and resubmit it again: To be able to submit the application for nationality again, it is necessary to carry out a series of steps, otherwise the online application will give us an error, find out the necessary details to process the application for Spanish nationality again know more details here.

06/09/2021: New Social Roots concession: When a foreign citizen in an irregular situation or without papers can demonstrate that they have been registered in Spain for 3 years, have a job offer and a favorable integration report, they can choose to regularize their situation with a Social Arraigo._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

05/28/2021: Success story, Ruling of the National Court that obliges the Ministry of Justice to grant nationality annulling the refusal resolution: In this article we show you the last sentence handed down by the National Court of May 24, 2021 in which our law firm has obtained a favorable result, annulling the decision denying nationality and ordering costs._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

05/14/2021: Speed up the Nationality File with the Contentious Appeal: In October 2020, the Contentious Appeal filed by Bufete Neila at the National Court was admitted for processing. Given that there was no problem during the processing of his nationality, his file being perfect and his divorce not affecting his nationality as it was after the filing of the file, Chedi has obtained his nationality within 7 months._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

04/20/2021: How is the 2021 Nationality Shock Plan?: After the entry into force of the new 2021 nationality shock plan, we are seeing a considerable increase in resolved nationality files, and especially in 2019. The rest of the pending files are still being resolved progressively. know more details here.

03/24/2021: After the Nationality Shock Plan, new resolutions granting nationality: After the entry into force of the new 2021 nationality shock plan, we are seeing a considerable increase in resolved nationality files, and especially in 2019. The rest of the pending files are still being resolved progressively._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_know more details here.

03/02/2021: Grant of Nationality with Contentious appeal in 5 months: In this article, from our expert law firm in Spanish nationality, we show you one of our latest cases of Spanish nationality obtained in record time know more details here.

02/26/2021: Nationality Application presented at the Post Office- Expedited with Contentious appeal. Our Client, Mr. Fidel, presented in 2017 his application for nationality at the Post Office. Tired of waiting and seeing that he did not have the nationality file number, he contacted our law firm specializing in contentious claims to speed up his nationality.  know more details here.

02/10/2021: 3 Golden Rules to successfully process the application for Spanish nationality in 2021. Before processing the application for nationality by your own means, we advise you to make sure you comply with the three golden rules that we propose. know more details here.

01/29/2021: How much minimum time of cohabitation is required to formalize a Domestic Partnership? Below, we summarize the different minimum cohabitation periods required to formalize the domestic partnership in the different Autonomous Communities, the previous step to process the community card. know more details here.

01/27/2021: Can the required documentation be submitted after the deadline in an administrative file? As long as the administration has not expressly resolved the express withdrawal for not presenting the requested documentation, the interested party may provide the required documents even when doing so outside the established period. know more details here.

01/07/2021: How long does it take to resolve the nationality file with the Contentious Appeal? Throughout the more than 300 contentious appeals presented by our law firm, we are in a position to offer an answer or at least shed some light regarding the response times for the nationality file when the appeal is filed. contentious know more details here.

10/12/2020: 3 New concessions of nationality in 6 months with the Contentious Appeal: Rajvir and his 2 brothers trusted our law firm to electronically process their nationality in April 2019, after 1 year, we filed the contentious appeal and today, the three brothers are Spanish Find out more details here.

11/30/2020: Guide to successfully process the permanent residence card 2021: Below we publish an essential guide to safely process the permanent residence card for all those who have already had the community card for a long time. We always recommend processing this card with expert immigration lawyers. Find out more details here.

11/13/2020: Long-term residence in Spain for the EU Long-Term Resident of another Member State: If you already have an EU long-term residence card that you have been granted in another member state of the European Union, you can reside in Spain, processing your long-term residence EX-11 Find out more details here.

10/26/2020: Four new grants of nationality with contentious appeal: Yes, in recent months it seemed that the Spanish nationality files, even with a contentious appeal, had lagged behind, at this time, it seems that those nationality files submitted electronically with appeal are once again gaining momentum. This may be due to many factors, but we believe at least that it is not a mere coincidence or a matter of luck. Find out more details here.

10/06/2020: Community marriage card en 13 days:Rosana, a native of Argentina, trusted our expert law firm in the community card process. On September 17, we submitted your request with each and every one of the required documents through the mercury application and on September 30 the file was resolved favorably, notified today 10/6/2020. Find out more details here.

09/23/2020: Community card for ascendant granted in the appeal process:The community card for ascendants is one of the residence permits that is most difficult to obtain and is frequently denied, because sometimes it is difficult to interpret one of the requirements that is that the ascendant is in charge of the community relative.  “Being in charge” is an indeterminate legal concept, so each case is assessed without a uniform criteria for its assessment. Find out more details here.

09/18/2020: Public Administrations cannot seize if there is an administrative appeal pending resolution:LThe Administration, when an optional or mandatory administrative appeal or challenge is pending before it, cannot issue an order of urgency without first resolving that appeal expressly, as is its duty, since administrative silence is nothing but a mere fiction of act to effects of opening the pertinent challenge channels in each case  Find out more details here.

09/10/2020: Modification of the Red Card for a residence and work authorization: Due to the long waiting period until the resolution of the international protection files, the foreign citizen can request a residence and work authorization, be it a community card or social rooting if he meets a series of requirements  Find out more details here.

08/31/2020: New Concession of Nationality With the Contentious Appeal: At the time of contacting us,  Mustapha's file was already in the last phase of the file under study. Despite this, he also decided to file the contentious appeal to make sure and avoid delays. In May 2020 we filed the contentious appeal and before the end of August 2020, they have granted him Spanish nationality and also, in a few days he has managed to obtain his ID and Spanish Passport  Find out more details here.

07/27/2020: The Constitutional Court Recognizes that the Foreign Spouse can also prove financial means to request the community card: When applying for the community card, to demonstrate the means of livelihood, the Constitutional Court interprets that the foreign citizen (spouse of the EU citizen), can also prove that they have financial means to support themselves along with private health insurance_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Find out more details here.

07/15/2020: 2 New residence authorizations for work ties obtained: Iván, a young entrepreneur, trusted our immigration law firm to process, together with his life partner, the application for employment arraigo, that is, the Initial Temporary Residence due to Exceptional Circumstances, once the employment relationship was recognized in court , we also process the rooting authorization, taking less than 2 months to grant it  Find out more details here.

07/09/2020: Application for permanent residence card obtained: In May we electronically submitted the application for permanent residence of a community family member addressed to the Seville immigration office, we accredited the absences outside the national territory for medical reasons, since Pedro was out of Spain for a long period due to a serious medical problem and finally, in Julio has been granted the permanent card  Find out more details here.

06/17/2020: New grant of nationality in 5 months: How long does it take to resolve the nationality file with the contentious appeal? Why is it very important to file the contentious appeal with a nationality lawyer if the file has errors or a criminal record? How much does the contentious claim for nationality cost?  Find out more details here.

06/03/2020: Community family member residence card granted in 15 days:Landon, a native of the United States, joined his current domestic partner and they decided on ourBarcelona law firmto process your residence card for a community family member, since we have the Mercurio electronic filing system, which works without the need to request a prior appointment. Find out more details here.

05/26/2020: Community family member residence card granted in 10 days:Ángel had been residing in Spain for some time, moved by the serious situation in his country. Last May, he contacted ourBarcelona law firmspecialized in the processing of the community card and specifically, on 05/04/2020 we submitted the application for the residence card electronically. On 05/14/2020 we were notified of its concession.  Find out more details here.

05/21/2020: Automatic extension of residence cards for 6 months:What residence authorizations are extended, how long do I have to renew my residence card, when the 6-month extension begins, do I have 90 days after the 6 months to renew? Find out more details here.

05/08/2020: We continue to promote the nationality files with the contentious lawsuit:Hosam presented his nationality in 2015 by the Civil Registry. He came to our office to promote his nationality with the contentious claim and in 2 months he has obtained his nationality Find out more details here.

05/05/2020: New grant of nationality after expediting the file with the Contentious Appeal: In March 2016, Mbarek submitted the application for nationality through the Civil Registry. IN November 2019, he contacted ourlawyers specialized in Spanish nationalityto request information about the expediting process of their nationality and today they have already been granted nationality in 6 months  Find out more details here.

04/29/2020: How to easily calculate compensation for termination of employment contract: In this article we show you how to easily calculate the compensation for unfair dismissal or termination of work for objective reasons and the link with the calculator of compensation for dismissal of the CGPJ  Find out more details here.

04/24/2020: Nationality files with contentious appeal will be promoted through tender: On April 17, 2020, the tender announcement for the assistance service in the treatment of files of the General Sub-directorate of Nationality and Civil Status with a contentious-administrative appeal filed in the National Court_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b was published in the BOE -136bad5cf58d_Find out more details here.

04/18/2020: The Nationality Oath before a Notary: A solution to the traffic jam in the Civil Registries: from ourspecialized law firm in Spanish nationalityWe want to contribute our humble grain of sand and propose that the nationality oaths be made before a notary (again) in line with the current recommendations of the Ombudsman. Previously, oaths were made before a Notary thanks to the management order signed on 04/02/2013 Find out more details here.

04/16/2020: Did you know that the community card can be requested electronically without leaving home and through a lawyer?:According to the official sources consulted, the residence authorization of a family member of a union citizen can be submitted electronically both in the Mercurio application and through the Red Sara System through abogado Find out more details here.

04/16/2020: New nationality file resolved with the contentious appeal:New nationality file resolved with the contentious appeal. We continue to receive resolutions granting nationality these days, both ex officio and through contentious appeal Find out more details here.

04/08/2020: How to obtain the nationality file number:Find out about the possible ways to obtain the R number of the nationality file (If they submit the file non-telematically, the nationality file number is not assigned until digitization and metadata Find out more details here.

04/06/2020: New Grant of Nationality:Last Saturday, we were notified of a new resolution granting nationality that we presented electronically in 2017. Below we show you the detail of the notification of the resolution. Now, once the client has been notified, they must wait for the State of Alarm to be lifted or the operation of the Civil Registries to be reactivated to carry out the final procedure of the Jura Find out more details here.

04/02/2020: Rental situation during the State of Alarm:Find out if you can benefit from the measures to reduce or postpone the rental payment of your habitual residence during the State of Alarm due to Covid19. (Owner of a public company or large holder, being in a situation of economic vulnerability...)_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Find out more details here.

03/31/2020: Can the nationality application be submitted if any document is missing? The question regarding whether it is possible to submit the nationality application if any document is missing is that yes, it is possible. Many times it must be done that way and for various reasons. The most frequent reason is that by mistake, citizens request criminal and birth certificates from their country before they have registered to take the Cervantes Institute exams. The moment they realize it, they see that their   criminal record has an expiration date. Find out more details here.

03/30/2020: Spanish Nationality, past present and future Normally, we publish articles related to the application for Spanish nationality focused on a practical and topical sense, exposing the news that is coming out. However, this time we are going to go back in time to find out how nationality was regulated at the legal level, at least 200 years ago. Find out more details here.

03/24/2020: Telematic presentation of the nationality application through a lawyer without leaving home:did you know you cansubmit the application for Spanish nationality with a lawyerwithout leaving home  while this State of Alarm situation lasts? Know the details and steps to follow, take advantage of the confinement and process your nationality Find out more details here.

03/20/2020: The residence permit for serious illness:For cases in which a foreigner suffers from a serious illness that requires health care, said end must be accredited by means of a clinical report issued by the corresponding health authority. The Supreme Court interprets the concept of health authority and its scope.  Find out more details here.

03/15/2020: Effects of the Coronavirus on administrative and judicial procedures. Suspension Deadlines: desde  on 03/14/2020 the procedural and administrative deadlines and the terms of prescription and expiration are interrupted, but it will be possible to continue submitting applications for nationality, resources and demands electronically .   Find out more details here.

03/12/2020: 3 New Nationality Concessions with the Contentious Appeal in 5 months: This week we have received 3 new grants of nationality within 2.5 and 6 months respectively since the contentious appeal was filed. Apparently we see how the Contentious Appeal picks up a good pace again, accelerating the nationality files in a short time  Find out more details here.

03/05/2020: 2 New Nationality Grants: 2 new concessions of Spanish nationality, after having filed the contentious-administrative appeal toACCELERATE THE NATIONALITY FILEand resolving in 3 and 4 months respectively. We note an increase in resolutions granting nationality after the contentious appeal Find out more details here.

03/03/2020: 6 New Nationality Grants in our Barcelona law firm: 6 new concessions of Spanish nationality, which were previously in the qualification or study phase when making the consultation on the internet at how is my thing going, but which for several days already appeared as granted in our telematic presentation platform of nationality. We also explain the disappearance of the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries, which is renamed DG of Legal Security and Public Faith Find out more details here.

02/20/2020: 3 New Nationality Grants of 2015, 2018 and 2019:Venezuelan and over 71 years of age, he trusted our specialized administrative law and immigration law firm to submit his nationality application electronically. Thus, in August 2019, we submitted his application for nationality and in parallel we submitted the waiver request to exempt himself from taking the Cervantes Institute exams when he is over 71. Well, today 02/20/2020 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_has been granted Spanish nationality, taking the file  6 months and also with the addition that we had submitted the waiver request. Find out more details here.

02/07/2020: New Family Reunification Telematic Presentation:Since last January 29, 2020, it is allowed to submit the Family Reunification Authorization electronically, find out all the economic requirements, documents and details with real examples of everything necessary to successfully obtain family reunification. Find out more details here.

01/29/2020: 3 New concessions of Spanish Nationality: If it seemed at the beginning of 2020 that a slight delay was being noticed in the resolutions of the nationality files, yesterday we received three new nationality granting resolutions, two of them were with the contentious appeal presented and one ex officio, presented by our law firm.Find out more details here.

01/24/2020: Concession of Spanish Nationality with the contentious appeal: Nazaket submitted the application for nationality in 2014, in 2017 it was denied for not adequately answering the questions of the civil registry judge, he filed an appeal for reversal, and tired of waiting for a response to the appeal, he went to ourAbogados experts in Spanish nationalityto file a contentious appeal on April 19, today he is already Spanish   Find out more details here.

01/22/2020: New Application for EU long-term residence authorization granted: Farid, after living in Spain for 5 years, contacted ourlawyers of Spanish nationality to request the EU long-term residence card that allows you to obtain a job in other countries of the European Union, with the clear specialties of each country